Here it comes, 2022!Some may be excited for a new year. Others may be dreading its arrival. With new years we can sometimes get caught up in making sweeping statements of who we’ll be in the year, while sheepishly in our minds remembering the times we said:
- I’ll lose 20 lbs!
- I’ll find a new career!
- I’ll end this relationship!
- I’ll eat healthy food!
… all to find ourselves many pounds over, punching the same clock, in the same relationship, and filling up with not so great food. Don’t get me wrong, resolutions of this kind are all REALLY great things if those are on your list. Nothing wrong with less weight, new jobs, life single life not, fruits veggies water; not a thing wrong with any of that at all.
But resolutions can be a revolution of a different kind.
They can be decisions and determinations to be kinder to ourselves, to work on shifting our thinking about ourselves, our beliefs about who we are or the world around us, and it is also totally okay to slide into a new year without changing anything at all. Nothing wrong no change.Here’s the funny thing about working on ourselves from the inside versus the outside. Inside work can feel like giving a cat a bath, the cat being your soul, the bath the inside work of looking at your own stuff, owning it, and changing it. It’s not a pretty and pleasant as some #livelaughlove Instagram influencers would like us to think it is. If only I could dance to a song in a reel, point to some catchy words, and see a change.Nope.Inside growth and change in the moment? It sucks. But so does a significant portion of giving birth to a baby. Funny thing, it’s also one of the most powerful experiences a person can have in life. Same with learning to love ourselves. More of those Catch 22s.Instead of catching babies, or cats for baths, maybe work on catching yourself in the year ahead thinking negative thoughts. Or judging others. Or maybe just work on noticing. Notice but no force to change anything for now. This is equally as powerful as those 10 lbs. missing on the scale. And funny thing about that; changing the thoughts often comes before losing the 10.Funny how that works. To 2022!