We often get questions as counselors about what to do when not in session. How to keep the magic happening...
One of the best ways to stay engaged in the change process is learning. Read, read, and then read some more.
But it’s what you read that matters. Your media-diet, so to speak, is critical to what you put your attention to and how that content influences you to think, speak, act, feel.
Along the way we will post some of our staff’s favorite reads, starting with this one: The Four Agreements by @donmiguelruiz
A popular recovery text, #thefouragreements cliff notes are as follows:
• Be impeccable with your word
• Don’t take anything personally
• Don’t make assumptions
• Always do your best
Simple and easy, right??

This is why we call the change process a practice. It takes time to learn new ways. And then it’s a process of maintaining.... like clean eating, or regular and consistent exercise.
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And happy Friday!